Welcome to my gallery, my name is
Lee. I have a wonderful husband and two darling boys, Ben (almost 5) and Jack who is 17 months. I love scrapbooking, reading, watching movies, eating out and meeting new people. I will be uploading more layouts
soon, so please check back often. Just Click on the thumbnail to see a larger picture and then click the back button on your browser to come back here.
This is one of my favourite
layouts. I made B1 and B2 from scratch and they took ages, but I am
very proud of them and Ben loves them!
The right hand side of Ben's Banana's
in Pajamas Birthday Layout
This idea came from unique techniques
2 and is a patchwork layout. The photos had been sitting around for
over 12 months because I just couldn't decide what to do with them.
This is a layout that was inspired by
Becky Higgins
Bath Time
i received this layout pack as an aussle
from d and l cherished memories and thought i would give it a go. I
am very happy with the result
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