Welcome to our links section. The links here are organised in groups, just click on the link to be sped on your way.
If you know a great site that should be here, or you find a broken link, please email us, as we want this site to be as up to date as possible.
Retail Therapy
What scrapper doesn't need more supplies? Maybe you don't have the luxury of a local shop that stocks everything you need. Perhaps you have heard of a product, but not actually seen it? Well, here they are! An incredibly comprehensive list of online suppliers just waiting for you to click on over and visit. These sites are Australian, so shopping online will be easy for us Aussies.
Great Hints and Tips
Need inspiration?? Perhaps you just have a question that no one can answer. Is there a technique you are unsure of?? Here are links to great sites just jammed pack full of hints, tips and ideas for scrappers.
Great Fonts Sites
Every Scrapper needs fonts! Here are links to some of the best, and to make them even better, they're free!!
Members Homepages
These are links to some of our member's homepages, enjoy looking at them, they are great
Alita Periera's page | Jodene's Picture Trail Page | |
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