Chicken Pox
My Darling Daughter's
bout of Chicken Pox - captured for posterity
Chicken Pox/2
Right hand page of a two page layout
Wedding Layouts
My daughter was flower girl for my good
friend, so of course, I will have LOTS of layouts of this wedding :>
Radiant Bride
Well, she really was!
Mummy's Little Sonshine
A favourite picture of my son Ryan
Pass the Parcel
Who says you can't use pink in a boys
layout?!? This cardstock fitted in beautifully with all the girls dresses
from Ryans birthday party
Cake Time
My son Ryan's birthday cake, its a stegosaurus
decorated with mint leaves lollies
Happy Birthday Ryan
Simple layout to complement the left hand
side (Cake Time)
Just Us
Finally, some photos of me with my adorable
children. I wanted them to be able to look back and remember us together,
not just me behind the camera!
Just Us/2
Right hand page of a two page layout